KYOORIUS DIGITAL AWARDS - Digital Design & Craft (Content > Cross-Channel Storytelling)

Sironah Aaiye Na - Netflix India - Sironah JPG
Sironah Aaiye Na - Netflix India - Sironah MP4 2m:10s

Sironah Aaiye Na
Brand: Sironah
Client: Netflix India
Entrant: DDB Mudra Group

Sironah Aaiye Na - Sironah - Netflix India

Baby Blue Elephant

Entry Title: Sironah Aaiye Na
Brand: Sironah
Client: Netflix India
Entrant Company: DDB Mudra Group
Description: How do you launch a show about a small town with dark secrets?

You don’t talk about the show.

You don’t even mention the show.

You launch a tourism campaign for a real town instead.

With our showrunner as the ambassador.

With beautiful forests, streams, charming streets and some dark easter eggs.

Get real travel influencers and websites to promote it as the next best destination.

Start trending.

Get people packing when they see the beauty.

And unpacking when they spot the creepy easter eggs.

Then wait for the internet to get confused.

More confused.

And then launch the trailer.


Company Credits: DDB Mudra Group
Individual Credits: Team DDB Mudra Group
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