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Tested By Fans - MakeMyTrip - MakeMyTrip JPG
Tested By Fans - MakeMyTrip - MakeMyTrip MP4 1m:59s

Tested By Fans
Brand: MakeMyTrip
Client: MakeMyTrip
Entrant: Enormous

Tested By Fans - MakeMyTrip - MakeMyTrip

The First List

Entry Title: Tested By Fans
Brand: MakeMyTrip
Client: MakeMyTrip
Entrant Company: Enormous
Description: If you think Homestays, you think of Airbnb. A global presence & the heft of a $100 billion-valuation was hard to beat for a miniscule-player like MakeMyTrip, who had moved from being a travel-aggregator to introducing Homestays.

Capitalizing on the much-awaited World Cup, MakeMyTrip dug deep into the ethos of sports and found a niche- the traveling-band of superfans, sports-fanatics enough to book hospital-beds in the crunch for hotel-rooms.

Our objective was two-fold–to promote awareness of the experience of MMT Homestays & Villas in the lens of the sports season; & get consumers to engage with MakeMyTrip in real-time during a high-decibel advertising season

Leveraging this superfan-to-fan relationship, MakeMyTrip invited the world's most passionate cricket-superfans (Sudhir Chaudhary,Saravanan Hari,Sugumar,Gayan Senanayaka,and Shoaib 'Tiger' Bukhari) to test its homestays and villas.

Campaign resulted in a large upswing in awareness for MakeMyTrip Homestays. Even during the most followed match of the World Cup, MakeMyTrip was trending at #1` on Twitter India.

Fans booked MMT’s homestays using the coupon codes, resulting in a 25% uptick in shopper-growth. Once the dust had settled, MakeMyTrip saw positive sentiment for the brand grow to 85% positive-sentiment, with 750million+ impressions through earned PR cumulatively across traditional & digital media.
Company Credits: Enormous
Company Credits: MakeMyTrip
Individual Credits: Ashish Khazanchi
Individual Credits: Ankit Pathak
Individual Credits: Daksh Haria
Individual Credits: Abhijeet Patil
Individual Credits: Swapnil Vinerkar
Individual Credits: Neha Singh
Individual Credits: Rahul Parbate
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