EXPERIENCE & ENGAGEMENT - Creativity in PR (Real-Time Response)

Erase Valentine’s Day - Mondelez - Cadbury 5 Star JPG
Erase Valentine’s Day - Mondelez - Cadbury 5 Star MP4 1m:58s

Erase Valentine’s Day
Brand: Cadbury 5 Star
Client: Mondelez
Entrant: Ogilvy India

Erase Valentine’s Day - Cadbury 5 Star - Mondelez

Baby Blue Elephant

Entry Title: Erase Valentine’s Day
Brand: Cadbury 5 Star
Client: Mondelez
Entrant Company: Ogilvy India
Description: Background: Valentine’s Day can be quite insufferable. So for many years now, Cadbury 5 Star has been helping people escape it and ‘do nothing’ instead.
Idea: We performed a ‘time travel’ experiment where 3 passengers who hate Valentine’s Day successfully skipped the entire day, in just one minute. How? They boarded a vessel which crossed the International Date Line between American Samoa and Samoa at exactly 11:59 pm on 13 February 2024 (American Samoa Time), thereby skipping directly to 12:00am on 15 February - the local time on the other side. The entire operation was live-streamed to millions of viewers, and the campaign rapidly became the hottest topic across social media platforms, reaching over 230 million users, with 1 million+ users reposting the trailer.
Results: $8 Million Earned PR. 1.3 Billion impressions. 2.2 Million interactions.
Company Credits: Ogilvy
Company Credits: Wavemaker
Company Credits: Retro Films
Company Credits: Colosceum Media
Individual Credits: Team Ogilvy
Individual Credits: Team Wavemaker
Individual Credits: Nitin Menon, Director
Individual Credits: Retro Films, Production House
Individual Credits: Colosceum Media, Livestream Partner
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