CRAFT - Film Craft (Use Of Music)

The Real Taste of Pujo - Coca Cola India - Coca Cola India JPG
The Real Taste of Pujo - Coca Cola India - Coca Cola India MP4 1m:19s

The Real Taste of Pujo
Brand: Coca Cola India
Client: Coca Cola India
Entrant: Subhajit Mukherjee & Hungry Films

The Real Taste of Pujo - Coca Cola India - Coca Cola India

Baby Blue Elephant

Entry Title: The Real Taste of Pujo
Brand: Coca Cola India
Client: Coca Cola India
Entrant Company: Subhajit Mukherjee & Hungry Films
Description: Durga Puja in Kolkata is a religious festival filled with pandal (venue) hopping and street food feasts, often accompanied by shared soft drink bottles. Coca Cola's brief was to spotlight its iconic bottle's role in enhancing the Pujo experience.

Our solution was a commercial that took the viewers on a nostalgic journey into what it means to celebrate Pujo, it's sights, sounds, food, fervour and people, all with Coke right at the centre!

The soundtrack was created to be an ingenious and entertaining amalgamation of folk music, quips, quirks and sounds often heard during the festival. The track was created by taking inspiration from traditional Bengali Baul genre and by infusing contemporary beats and traditional Bengali instruments like the Tanpura,Khamak,Ek-tara,Dhaak. This was layered with sounds created from Coke bottles and cans.Foley sounds heard across the festival of Durga Pujo were recreated in the sound studio and used as a part of the sound design.
English Translation: When the festivities are about to start…
Open a Coke… and tell us, what will you eat…
Hey Bhola?
Let’s do shopping… and some topping
Alongwith a whole lot of eating!
Rolls, cutlets, treats and sweets…
Let the Pujo begin!
Bursting crackers... Noisy merrymaking…
Beating dhaaks and dhols (Bengali Drum)…
Roll-bowl, bowl-roll!
This Pujo, this Pujo… Let there be a feast, this Pujo!
This Pujo, this Pujo…
“Where did your slippers go?”
“All pandal hoppers are requested to look after their own shoes and slippers”
“Let’s have some noodles?”
“Let’s see the idol first?”
“Hey, do you want a Coke?”
“If you offer, I’ll have it”
Keep gazing, keep gazing… Gaze into the eyes and look within
Fall into the depths of love… In the dizzy heights of the ferris wheel!
Fly through in a taxi… And roam around all night!
“Drown me in the light of celebration”
“Oh, it’s dawn already!”
Great feast, grand feast… Every day with Coke!
Great feast, grand feast…
“Sister, can you take this plate away?”
Great feast, grand feast… Come, let’s have another treat!
Company Credits: Subhajit Mukherjee
Company Credits: Hungry Films
Company Credits: Ogilvy India
Individual Credits: Subhajit Mukherjee - Music Composer
Individual Credits: Vijay Sawant - Director
Individual Credits: Dharam Valia - Executive Producer
Individual Credits: Ogilvy India - Agency
Individual Credits: The Coca - Cola Company - Client
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