KYOORIUS CREATIVE AWARDS - Film (Online Films > More Than 60 Seconds)

The Farmer - Marico - Parachute Kalpavriksha Foundation JPEG
The Farmer - Marico - Parachute Kalpavriksha Foundation MP4 2m:58s

The Farmer
Brand: Parachute Kalpavriksha Foundation
Client: Marico
Entrant: Good Morning Films

The Farmer - Parachute Kalpavriksha Foundation - Marico

Blue Elephant

Entry Title: The Farmer
Brand: Parachute Kalpavriksha Foundation
Client: Marico
Entrant Company: Good Morning Films
Description: To make urban India sympathize with the farming community, we created a campaign to build a moment of realization – we have forgotten the key to all existence, the farmers of our country along with their tireless efforts and unparallel hardships which nurture and sustain the world. It’s time we acknowledge them with love they all deserve and walk hand in hand.
Company Credits: Good Morning Films
Individual Credits: Director - Shashanka Chaturvedi
Individual Credits: Producer - Robin D'Cruz
Individual Credits: Executive Producer - Vikram Kalra
Individual Credits: Cinematographer - Tassaduq Hussain
Individual Credits: Editor - Shashanka Chaturvedi
Individual Credits: Music Director - Subhajit Mukherjee
Individual Credits: Post Producer - Bharat Arote & Manish Dabhole
Individual Credits: Sound Engineer - Darshan Nair
Individual Credits: Colorist - Massahiro
Individual Credits: Ex Chief Marketing Officer, Marico - George Koshy
Individual Credits: Category Head - Vaibhav Rathi
Individual Credits: Group Product Manager - Sristi Gupta
Individual Credits: Strategic Planning Director - Sanjna Saxena
Individual Credits: Writer - Nanda Devi East
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