KYOORIUS CREATIVE AWARDS - Public Service Announcements (Film)

Tr. for Teachers - Navneet Education Ltd - Navneet JPG
Tr. for Teachers - Navneet Education Ltd - Navneet MP4 2m:56s

Tr. for Teachers
Brand: Navneet
Client: Navneet Education Ltd
Entrant: FCB Group India

Tr. for Teachers - Navneet - Navneet Education Ltd

Baby Blue Elephant

Entry Title: Tr. for Teachers
Brand: Navneet
Client: Navneet Education Ltd
Entrant Company: FCB Group India
Description: Most highly valued professionals have an official title attached to their name. Like Dr. for Doctor, Justice for Judge or Capt. For Captain. Ironically, the profession that makes all these professions possible; teachers, doesn't have one. In fact, teaching is seen as one of the least valued professions in the country.
So, to bring value and recognition to teaching, Navneet decided to create an official title for teachers - Tr. for Teacher. The idea was brought to life with a social experiment film. Launched on Teachers Day 2022, the campaign stirred a national debate about the respect given to teachers across the country. The public spoke up and campaigned for making the title official. Over 50 schools and 2500 teachers supported the cause and adopted the use of the title of Tr. in their classrooms. And for the first time in years, Navneet Education was talked about online and in the press, increasing their brand impressions by more than 5000%. The campaign even caught the attention of law makers and education ministers. All of which led up to the government announcing that the Title of Tr. For Teacher would be made official.

Company Credits: FCB Group India
Individual Credits: Robby Mathew – Vice Chairman & CCO
Individual Credits: Rakesh Menon – National Creative Director
Individual Credits: Shishir Kapre – Executive Creative Director
Individual Credits: Sanket Taral - Associate Creative Director
Individual Credits: Maithili Mullick – Creative Director
Individual Credits: Abhinay Srivastav - Associate Creative Director
Individual Credits: Adil Bamanbehram – Sr. Design Supervisor
Individual Credits: Srushti Raut – Visualiser
Individual Credits: Gaurav Dudeja – Chief Operating Officer
Individual Credits: Ruchita Purohit – Senior Vice President Digital
Individual Credits: Vinay Sawant – Senior Brand Services Director
Individual Credits: Radhika Somani – Brand Services Director
Individual Credits: Nitish Kamble – Brand Services Manager - ORM
Individual Credits: Vrushal Matey – Creative Strategy - Executive
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